Monday, April 27, 2009

Bairds Creek Bridge

Just off NC Hwy 105, the bridge along Barids Creek Road will be closed through the 29th (Wednesday) of April.

There are several alternative detours along the Hwy 105 Bypass, Hwy 194 in Vilas, Broadstone Road in Valle Crucis.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Unemployment Rate Falls in Every High Country County

The unemployment rate fell in 84 counties across the state last month, including every county in the High Country.

According to the latest county-by-county numbers released by the North Carolina Employment Security Commission, Alleghany County’s unemployment rate fell 1.2 points to 14.1 percent, Ashe County’s fell 1.4 points to 13.3 percent, Avery’s unemployment rate fell 0.8 points to 9.9 percent, Mitchell County’s fell 1.8 points to 13.8 percent, Watauga County’s fell 0.7 points to 7.9 percent, and Yancy’s unemployment rate fell 1.4 points to 13.1 percent.

Nearby counties had mixed results for the month of March. Burk County’s unemployment rate fell 0.3 points to 15.6 percent, Caldwell’s fell 1.1 points to 15.3 percent, and Iredell County’s unemployment rate also decreased 0.2 points to 12.7 percent. Catawba County’s rate increased 0.6 points to 15.6 percent and Wilkes increased 0.7 points to 13.9 percent.

Watauga County continues to have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the state as the county is tied with Chatham and Gates counties for the state’s third lowest unemployment rate.

Thank you,

Marc White

Written by Adam Hicks
Recent article from Go Blue

Monday, April 20, 2009

Foreclosure rate for North Carolina

Interesting information about the foreclosure rate for NC compared to the country. It people are comparing NC to what the media reports nationally, and especially our area, here are the numbers as reported for the state. Obviously we aren’t seeing the big increases as reported. If you click the link for North Carolina in the chart it takes you to Realtytrac to see what foreclosures they show for sale by each county. It appears a lot in our area are in Beech Mountain, which seems to mimic the lack of sales in that area as well.

North Carolina has a state ranking of 36, which shows positive for our state. Total state filing for Q1 of 2009 5, 988. That is a change of -19.69 from the fourth quarter of last year till the first quarter of this year. Also the change from the first quarter of last year to the first quarter of this year is -41.77.

Thank You,
Marc White

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Baskets

Recently, an article made its way to the local newspaper, I thought you might like to read it...

The Easter bunny recently got some help from members of the Avery-Watauga Association of Realtors (AWAR) as residents of local adult care facilities received Easter baskets filled with goodies, along with refreshments and music.
Association members Sandy Byrum and Mary Jones of The Sterling Company co-chair the group’s community action committee. Laurie Phillips, executive officer for the association, said several Realtor offices drew names, filled baskets, and got them ready to be delivered, bringing some spring cheer to local residents.Directors of Sugar Mountain Assisted Living in Avery County and Mountain Care in Watauga County work with the association so residents receive a fun basket each Easter. The holiday project is just one of the community efforts of the Association of Realtors. They also coordinate the distribution of Christmas gifts to these same nursing homes; college scholarships to local students, and food and donations to deserving organizations in the community. This year, the association gave a total of $11,500 to the Hunger Coalition, Resort Area Ministries in Avery County (RAM), WAMY Community Action Inc. in Avery County, the American Red Cross and OASIS (Opposing Abuse with Services, Information and Shelter). The group also donated Kmart gift cards to those at the Hospitality House, Boone’s homeless shelter. Those interested in helping with this and other community efforts may contact the Association of Realtors at (828) 262-5437. It is composed of members in Watauga and Avery counties and the surrounding area who maintain a marketplace where buyers and sellers can safely transfer property under the guidance of a professional. More information is available at

Thank You,

Marc White


Friday, April 10, 2009

Help, I can't ReFinance

Today, I came across an article in the Wall Street Journal by Ruth Simon, she indicated that several of the Nation's largest banks have begun to offer money from Obama's recent stimulus package. The housing-relief package has allowed many banks to offer refinancing options for those that have not been able to refi under the current banking regulations.

Many banks have begun to accept applications for these new refi loans. The article also included the recent information from Bank of America indicating that BOA is not (yet) accepting application with mortgage insurance. This is mainly because no one seems to be sure if the insurance companies are able to transfer the insurance from one loan to another.

Thank You,

Marc White

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Recent Market Figures

Over the last month our financial markets have been thriving (relatively speaking). This is great for our real estate market, as banks begin to add some form and consistency to their lending applications and approvals the overall real estate market in our area will be to steadily revert back to what we know as normal. Prices still remain depressed, but as our inventory numbers will suggest to us, how long will the reduced prices last.

Thank You,

Marc White
