Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's almost offical, Texting while Driving could cost you...

Texting while Driving...

The Associated Press has reported that the North Carolina Senate gave final approval that would ban texting or emailing while driving. The North Carolina House of Representatives have also approved the law, so that leaves Gov. Bev Perdue to sign the bill into law.
It does not prevent talking on your cell phones or even dialing a number, but only texting or emailing. For those under the age of 18, it is illegal to text, e-mail, or talk on their phone while driving.

Marc White, ABR, GRI, E-Pro
Marketing Specialist
Direct 828-406-2134

Monday, June 1, 2009

First Monday Market Reports

For the first time this year, we have seen our Market Absorption Rates fall in two of our three categories (All & Land). This is great news, especially as we have also seen the number of properties under contract go up in the past few weeks.

While sales have risen, so have the number of listings, which is the main reason why residential listings had a small increase in their Market Absorption Rate.

Marc White, ABR, GRI, E-Pro

Marketing Specialist

Direct 828-406-2134

Smoking Ban

NC recent bills will prevent smoking from any resturant and bars in North Carolina.

Marc White
Marketing Specialist