Saturday, January 30, 2010

Truth about the media in Haiti

People need to know the TRUTH. Don't let media tell you a lie (that only seek ratings, not always the actual truth beyond the scenes).

Doc, Thank you for bringing this to our attention...

If you haven't donated yet, seek out Doc @wine_to_water (
or @Samaritans Purse (

RT@wine_to_water Getting PISSED at some media's portrayal of Haitians. On the ground I see a strong loving people trying to rebuild their lives.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Third Monday Market Update


For the last several weeks, I have heard many people ask, "What is going on with the market?", or "How is the current market?"


Well that is easy to answer. I am excited about the direction our market is headed as we start 2010. The number of properties for sale has been reduced, and projected sales for 2010 give us a great reason to smile. This does not mean that every property is in the clear and prices are going to start going up. But, the Spring market for the High Country has already started.


With buyers being a little sluggish in the bad winter weather we had in December, many people have started to step outside and begin looking again. In this area, we expect the market to be extremely busy for the "first time home buyers tax credit" (to qualify, the properties have to be under contract by the end of April, and close by the end of June). And some of these people are looking at properties all the way up to $300,000. This means great things for everyone, as the "first time home buyers", along with our normal Spring market, we have something looking forward.

PS. If you would like a copy of the NC High Country's Absorption Rate, please send me an email.




Marc White

Marketing Specialist, ABR, GRI, ePro

2009 High Country Association TOP TEN Listing Agent


Direct 828-406-2134

Cedar Falls Realty Boone, NC




Thursday, January 14, 2010

Technology Trends

Computers are about 30 years old. But, it has been only in the last 5 years where we moved to personal computers. In that time period, we moved from Laptops that weighed 2+lbs to cell phones that are more powerful than desktop computers we purchased 5 years ago.

Marc White
Marketing Specialist, ABR, GRI, ePro

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