Monday, February 23, 2009

What can we do to 'fix' our market

After watching predictions for todays market, I thought it would be another great Monday to start the week. But after another 200+ point drop in the market, I am reminded of what our US economy is based on: speculation. Simple predictions of what a bunch of people 'think' our market will be doing over the future. I am not a licensed economist, nor do I pretend to know about the state of business. What I do know is that it would be wise to listen to those that have become rich off of the 'speculation' of the future of a particular business. The Snowball as he has become more widely called, since his recent book, has acres of diamonds to share with us all. Warren Buffett once said our stock market should only be open for trading a few times a year. This would prevent the 'speculation' market, at least as it is now. I have not read his new book, nor any book he has been a part of in the last four years. His wisdom transcends the current state of our market and places a great perspective on our business.

Over the last several years I have tried to study our US market economy. What little I have gleamed from this process continues to point towards our perceived notions as the basis for our US market. When people think our market is getting better, the pour money into the markets, when they perceive the market as getting worse, they tuck tail and run. So where does that leave us? I will answer that with a quick story about the local news...

We get the Charlotte news in our area. It has become affectionately known as the nightly crime report. For some reason the main channel my TV is on when the 'news' starts or is advertising for later is FOX. They are masters at taking every single incident in Charlotte and making it seem like the world is coming to an end. The reasoning for this approach is clear, more people watch the news when it is negative or suspensionful than when the story is about the person who saved his neighbors life.

So, is it any wonder why our speculative market continues to get worse when we allow our minds to get inundated with the 'media spin' on the state of our market.

Thank You,

Marc White

Cedar Falls Realty, Boone, NC

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