Monday, October 5, 2009

First Monday Market Update

Another few weeks have passed and the market continues to make small steps to revive itself. With several weeks left in our “prime” season, it becomes very important to stay out ahead of the rest of the market. Buyers are starting to make regular appearances at real estate offices all around town and the surge from First Time home buyers will increase our markets (lower cost) activity until the end of November. As we approach the height of leaf season, now is the time to make any adjustments to the property before the winter months hit us; and several forecasts suggest the weather is going to hit us harder this year than it has in the past several years.





Marc White

Marketing Specialist, ABR, GRI, ePro


Direct 828-406-2134

To see property listed on our website, PLEASE CLICK HERE Thank You for allowing me the opportunity to serve you.


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