Monday, November 16, 2009

Third Monday Market Update

Approaching our Holiday Season, we still have very good sales and inventory figures, for this year. Our market has had a reduction in the number of listings; mostly it has been a reduction in the number of land listings. Of course the reduction in land listings has to do with the market conditions and the current ability to finance land.


Looking back over the last year, we have been looking at sales figures that are comparable with sales figures before we hit the hardest part of the recession. Our 3-month and 6-month figures are almost the exact same as this time last year, with a 15% difference in our 12-month figures. Also, the number of active listings has been about 500 listing below much of comparable dates from 2008.


There is a lot of data that shows where we have been and additional data that projects where we are going. My thoughts regarding both of these is that our market is going to slow down over the winter, which it almost always does, but people who keep there properties on the market over the winter will have less competition than before. There also seems to be a large number of buyers that are looking at less expensive properties as well as a large number that cant seem to commit to making an offer.



Marc White

Marketing Specialist, ABR, GRI, ePro


Direct 828-406-2134

Marc White Real Estate, Boone Real Estate, Blowing Rock Real Estate, Banner Elk Real Estate, High Country Real Estate

CLICK: Local news & information: NC High Country Real Estate


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