Monday, December 20, 2010

Third Monday Market Update



Snow, Cold air, & Ice have been the discussions over the last few weeks. The most damaging has been the cold air. Several homes (that were not winterized) have for one reason or another had issues with the heating system, thus causing pipes to freeze and water pipes that cracked under the pressure. Please be aware that pipes on an exterior wall can freeze even if the home is kept at a reasonable living temperature.


Also, as we get closer to the start of a new year, we are real estate agents in North Carolina are preparing for the largest change in real estate contracts in decades. The new listing agreements (that have been approved by the North Carolina Bar Association, the North Carolina Real Estate Commission, and North Carolina REALTORS) have already begun circulating. These changes include seller disclosure of potential Foreclosing, Loan account information, and several additional items to help prepare for property transactions.


The new Offer to Purchase and Contract has seen many changes that will greatly impact real estate transactions after the first of the year. As soon as the new Offer to Purchase and Contract is available for use, I will be sending you a copy. As you receive this, please look over the contract and let me know of any questions that you might have.


FYI: our MLS is absorbing a local MLS that was losing members. Because of this, we will see more listings in our MLS at the beginning of the year. This will slightly change our Absorption Rate, but will do very little to change your chance to sell your property. Most of the listings are not in a comparable area to your property.





Marc White
Marketing Specialist, ABR, GRI, ePro
Broker/REALTOR, Top 10 Listing Agent for 2009
Direct 828-406-2134
Make sure your REALTOR is RE-MARC-ABLE!


1 comment:

HIS Real Estate Network said...

In some countries there is some whether conditions which affect our home. So we should considered basic guidelines for our home. Therefore we can save our home.